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Emergency First Aid

Adult and child CPR and AED

8 hr
118 Canadian dollars
George Street East|Durham Art Gallery

Service Description

at-a-glance Through practical activities wherever possible, demonstrate an understanding of the goals of first aid. Through practical activities wherever possible, demonstrate an understanding of the legal implications of providing first aid treatment. Through practical activities wherever possible, demonstrate an understanding of the principles of universal precautions, including barrier devices, hand washing, and use of gloves. Through practical activities wherever possible, demonstrate an understanding of the anatomy and physiology of the ABC priorities. Demonstrate primary assessment of a victim including: scene survey level of consciousness airway, breathing, circulation major bleeding mechanism of injury Demonstrate secondary assessment of a victim including: vital signs head-to-toe examination history Demonstrate one-rescuer adult, child and infant cardiopulmonary resuscitation on a manikin and how to use an AED. Simulate the treatment of: conscious adult, child or infant with an obstructed airway complications: a pregnant woman and person who is obese Simulate the treatment of an unconscious adult, child or infant with an obstructed airway. Demonstrate the effective direction of bystanders to activate EMS. Demonstrate the recognition and care of a victim suffering from the following respiratory emergencies: hyperventilation asthma Demonstrate the recognition and care of a victim suffering from: shock heart attack or angina external bleeding stroke / transient ischemic attack Demonstrate the recognition and care of a victim suffering from: abdominal injury burn injury facial injury Demonstrate the recognition and care of an unconscious victim.

Contact Details

  • 251 George St E, Durham, ON, Canada

    + (519) 369-3692

  • 251 George Street East, Durham, ON, Canada

    + (519) 369-3692

Hours of Operation










10 - 4

10 - 4

10 - 4

12 - 4

12 - 4

*NOTE: alternate Wednesdays we will open at 12 noon following our life-drawing sessions.


upcoming life-drawing sessions:

February 5 & 19

March 5 & 19

April 2, 16 & 30


Entrance Fee by Donation

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Charitable Registration #

10727 0878 RR0001

Contact us for Sponsorship Opportunities

251 George St E.

PO BOX 1021

Durham, Ontario

N0G 1R0 

Durham Art Gallery rests on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. The Métis Nation of Ontario, whose history and people are also well represented in what are now known as Bruce and Grey Counties. 


We are committed to re-framing our responsibilities to land, history and community. We acknowledge that words are insufficient and that it is our responsibility to move beyond words as we continue to listen, learn and  uphold the critical importance of truth, reconciliation and reparation.  


In line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, we are committed to the dismantling of anti-Indigenous racism and discriminatory practices against Indigenous People.

We would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.


We would like to acknowledge program funding support from Heritage Canada, an agency of the Government of Canada.

We would like to acknowledge our community support from the following organizations:


The Fallis Family

Lind Family Fund

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