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Coffee House Artist Salon

Calling all artists, poets and creative thinkers!
Sunday, March 2nd, 2025,  10am - 12pm


Save the date, you are invited to join us on Sunday, March 2nd, 2025

for our first coffee house gathering.


These monthly social events for artists are let by DAG members and volunteers and held at the gallery on a Sunday morning every month to help kick start your creative week.


Come join us for coffee, tea and pastries as you meet with other artists, musicians, writers and poets for inspirational, salon-style art discussions, poetry and music.

As the days become longer, our morning coffee house will shift to an evening event in the garden, under the stars. 


Questions? Email us at:

Let us know that you're coming to the Artist Salon

I'll be attending on:
Hours of Operation










10 - 4

10 - 4

10 - 4

12 - 4

12 - 4

*NOTE: alternate Wednesdays we will open at 12 noon following our life-drawing sessions.


upcoming life-drawing sessions:

February 5 & 19

March 5 & 19

April 2, 16 & 30


Entrance Fee by Donation

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Charitable Registration #

10727 0878 RR0001

Contact us for Sponsorship Opportunities

251 George St E.

PO BOX 1021

Durham, Ontario

N0G 1R0 

Durham Art Gallery rests on the traditional land of the Saugeen Ojibway Nation, which is represented by the communities of Saugeen First Nation and Chippewas of Nawash Unceded First Nation. The Métis Nation of Ontario, whose history and people are also well represented in what are now known as Bruce and Grey Counties. 


We are committed to re-framing our responsibilities to land, history and community. We acknowledge that words are insufficient and that it is our responsibility to move beyond words as we continue to listen, learn and  uphold the critical importance of truth, reconciliation and reparation.  


In line with the Truth and Reconciliation Commission of Canada: Calls to Action, we are committed to the dismantling of anti-Indigenous racism and discriminatory practices against Indigenous People.

We would like to acknowledge funding support from the Ontario Arts Council, an agency of the Government of Ontario.


We would like to acknowledge program funding support from Heritage Canada, an agency of the Government of Canada.

We would like to acknowledge our community support from the following organizations:


The Fallis Family

Lind Family Fund

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